Peer reviewed
Ximena Soto, Joshua Burton, Cerys S. Manning, Thomas G. Minchington, Robert Lea, Jessica Lee, Jochen Kursawe, Magnus Rattray, Nancy Papalopulu, Sequential and additive expression of miR-9 precursors control timing of neurogenesis (2022, Development)
Christopher E. Overton, Lorenzo Pellis, Helena B. Stage, Francesca Scarabel, Joshua Burton, Christophe Fraser, Ian Hall, Thomas A. House, Chris Jewell, Anel Nurtay, Filippo Pagani, Katrina A. Lythgoe, EpiBeds: Data informed modelling of the COVID-19 hospital burden in England (2022, PLOS Computational Biology).
Joshua Burton, Cerys S. Manning, Magnus Rattray, Nancy Papalopulu and Jochen Kursawe, Inferring kinetic parameters of oscillatory gene regulation from single cell time-series data (2021, J. R. Soc. Interface).
Sebastian Funk, Sam Abbott, Benjamin D Atkins, Marc Baguelin, J Kenneth Baillie, P Birrell, Joshua Blake, Nikos I Bosse, Joshua Burton, Jonathan Carruthers, Nicholas G Davies, Daniela De Angelis, Louise Dyson, W John Edmunds, Rosalind M Eggo, Neil M Ferguson, K Gaythorpe, Erin Gorsich, Glen Guyver-Fletcher, Joel Hellewell, Edward M Hill, Alexander Holmes, Thomas A House, Chris Jewell, Mark Jit, Thibaut Jombart, Indra Joshi, Matt J Keeling, Edward Kendall, Edward S Knock, Adam J Kucharski, Katrina A Lythgoe, Sophie R Meakin, James D Munday, Peter JM Openshaw, CE Overton, Filippo Pagani, Jonathan Pearson, Pablo N Perez-Guzman, Lorenzo Pellis, Francesca Scarabel, Malcolm Gracie Semple, K Sherratt, M Tang, MJ Tildesley, E Van Leeuwen, LK Whittles, Short-term forecasts to inform the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK (2020).
In preparation
Joshua Burton, Magnus Rattray, Nancy Papalopulu, and Jochen Kursawe, Continuous time filtering and variational inference of combined single cell time-series data, 2023.
Funding of €3548 from the ELLIS Unit Helsinki to support a 2 month research visit at Aalto University from 10th March to 30th April 2022. I visited Dr. Arno Solin’s group to learn about the state-of-the-art in inference methods for stochastic differential equations.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting 2022 (London, June 2022, Invited speaker at The Royal Statistical Society Invited Session: Statistical inference in stochastic biological systems with complex dynamics)
Centre for Biological Timing Winter Symposium (Manchester, February 2022, Speaker)
EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Biological oscillators: Design, mechanism, function (Heidelberg, March 2022, poster presentation)
21st EMBL PhD Symposium FACING THE FUTURE Perspectives and challenges of life sciences in the 21st century (Heidelberg, November 2019, attendee)
BSDB/BSCB Joint Spring Meeting (Warwick, April 2019, attendee)